take a small step makes big change. We believe everyone have potential to be a team leader.
we encourage you not to be satisfied current status but express sense of challenge.
현재에 만족하지않고 미래를 위해 도약하는 도전의식을 갖춘 사원
We are welcoming people who gets along, are pleasant and smile at each other.
We seek people to be part of the team-building communication and open dialogue. We all have valuable opinion, which advances future of Alim.
사우들과 원만한 인간관계를 유지하며, 조직의 시너지를 창출을 위하여 협력하는 사원
Alim employees desire to become a specialist in their role. We educate and study together to specialized person. Self-improvement is the key point of Alim people.
전문능력과 지식을 갖추고 담당분야의 전문가가 되려고 자기계발에 노력하는 사원
Our Creative people are active. When faced with difficulties, solve and put efforts on solution with your creativity.
Think creativity!
환경변화에 적극적이고 창의적인 자세로 대처하는 미래지향적인 사원
We Alim recruit people occasionally, an applicant can check
recruit requirement on website(Saram in) or contact to headquarter office. (dave@alim.co.kr)
아림은 수시채용을 하고 있으며, 당사의 채용공고는 채용사이트에서 확인하시거나,
본사에 별도문의를 통하여 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Company Alim Intertex Founder Tae Sung Shin
Business Registration Number 219-81-04079
Address 8th fl, Olymplia Bldg, 196 Jamsil-Dong, Songpa-Gu, Seoul, Korea 05561 Tel 82-2-424-2161
Email alimcorp@alim.co.kr
Company Alim Intertex Founder Tae Sung Shin
Business Registration Number 219-81-04079 Address 8th fl, Olymplia Bldg, 196 Jamsil-Dong, Songpa-Gu, Seoul, Korea 05561
Tel 82-2-424-2161 Email alim@alim.co.kr